on November 19, 2024

Happy Diwali 🪔✨
A beautiful celebration of that marks the first day of the Hindu new year, the festival of light is one of the most significant and sacred holidays that’s celebrated all across India!
Our friends in Rajasthan will have been lighting their deepas (little clay pots) and decorating their spaces with rangoli - patterns made with coloured powders and sand - in preparation for the feast day, to welcome in the Hindu new year.
Its a celebration that holds huge importance in the Hindu calendar and we love to honour the traditions of welcoming in spiritual light and protecting from the dark by lighting candles and setting off fireworks! Here are some of our favourite ways to honour the holiday too!
- Light candles around your home, specifically around your windows and doorways.
- Cook up a big feast and invite your nearest and dearest!
- Set intentions for the season ahead, with a little journalling.
- Write down everything that you’d like to let go from this year and place your words into a fire to fly away into the night!
Much love!